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The King's Notes

I'm the King and don't for get it i'm just a man thats trying to make it will I make it it's up to god that I will make it out here in these cold streets my goal is to get a good job and live my life out the way it was supposed to be.


I been through a lot and seen a lot but I stand tall throughout my struggle and struggles sometimes I'm depressed and stressed out but I will make it I may cry but that's who I am and get over it and start new everyday and everyday I pray for forgiveness even when I didn't do anything wrong I pray for mercy and repentance from the lord but he will hear me he hears me now and my crying and cries for help I love him and he loves me I may have did some things I wasn't proud of I may sin but I pray I'm not perfect I'm only human one man who has to get his life back on track again and when that day comes look out

Written By King Nizzy


Dear, Black JesusI need your help with my problems please bless me hard with a blessing please I need it because I'm in this situation from last year homeless please bless me please I'm not asking for much just a home with my woman that's all bless us please I need you everyday of my life I feel like dog I feel lest than a human right now please I'm calling on you upon you to bless me my mind is cloudy right now please lord protect me out here in this dark place at night in the dark living in a car that's not me I need you Jesus please come upon me and take all the stress depression and demons that surrounds me take all of it away all the demons that waits on my down fall please come and heal this poor soul that's lost and trap in this dark time please help me before I fade away.





Ladies And Gentlemen May I Have Your Attention Please


I Can't Help But Notice Your Pain King Nizzy Share It With Me


King Nizzy started as a young child growing and coming up as a child without a mother but i am still carrying on and i started up coming up as a bad child and then had to learn things on my own and learned i am just a older me with the younger me crying inside for freedom from all the pain i feel in my everyday life i wanna leave that life of the man that is successful i sometimes cry without a reason and ask god why am i crying and i feel there's an answer to my questions i ask a lot of questions doctors can't help me i been that one that have a full history of things i see things i have shouldn't seen i heard things i i shouldn't heard and i live my everyday life with a ton of things on my back and shoulder i sometimes wake up in tears crying out for my mama in my sleep and reaching out to her like she does me i miss her and still love her i came up with people as in family blaming me for things i didn't do some people treat me like there son some shows love so care and the rest don't give a shit about me when they say they do care but deep inside they don't i live as a homeless man but don't look like it by the way i dress but looks can be deceiving and i promise myself i will overcome this feeling i have stored so deep i have inside of me i just have this force i wanna let go but can't but some way some how i have studied myself and made progress of doing it not a lot of men do that but im one of a kind i feel like in due time i will be back successful and get a job again i have been down with my hood belle rose know as TGV tigerville and i have been made fun of and more but i stay strong cause you can laugh but you don't know my struggles and my steps i make you can't walk in my shoes cause you'll lose your mind and life the things i do and say make a lot of matter i feel like my life is just all a big puzzle but i'm the smart one that can put it together all again oh yeah i pray and go to church and when god see me as someone who is trying to make an effort of changing he will make me into a new man

thanks for your attention By King Nizzy


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